F-4EJ Kai Phantom II

F-4EJ Kai Phantom II
Phantom Forever 2020
Zoukei Mura, 1/48, SWS No.11
Tekst i fotografije: Miroslav D. Šljivić

Polovinom 60-ih godina prošlog veka japansko ratno vazduhoplovstvo (JASDF-Japanese Air Self-Defense Force) je odlučilo da izabere novi avion koji bi predstavljao glavni vazduhoplov u lovačkim pukovima. Do tada to je bio F-86F Sejbr u kombinaciji sa supersoničnim presretačem F-104 Starfajterom. Pored F-4 u kombinaciji za glavnog lovca su bili švedski Vigen, francuski Miraž F-1 i, još uvek na papiru, CL-1010-2. U novembru 1968. JASDF u dogovoru sa tadašnjom vladom bira F-4E kao novi glavni avion koji će popunjavati lovačke pukove. Intresantno je da su se Japanci zbog svoje odbrambene politike odlučili da iz klasičnog F-4E Phantom II odstrane instalacije za dopunu gorivom i dejstva po zemaljskim ciljevima (klasičnim i atomskim sredstvima) a pojačaju presretačke opcije. Tako modifikovan avion je dobio sufiks J pa je nastao F-4EJ. Nakon 15 godina upotrebe JASDF se odlučio za novu modernizaciju svog Fantoma ubacujući nove sisteme za navigaciju, kontrolu vatre i komunikaciju, poboljšani radar i modernizovane V-V rakete te je nastao F-4EJ Kai (Kai-modernizovani). Na samom početku upotrebe nakon dolaska prvih F-4EJ u lovačke skvadrone JASDF-a letačko i zemaljsko osoblje je bilo fascinirano mogućnostima svog novog miljenika, a planeri i analitičari (tkzv. struka)koji su učestvovali u odabiru istog su dobili potvrdu da su uradili dobar posao jer su se operativne mogućnosti znatno povećale. Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled koja traje do današnjih dana. Kako u životu sve ima svoj početak i svoj kraj tako se i radni vek F-4EJ Kai-a primakao svom zalasku. Trenutno, nakon pola veka upotrebe, veličanstveni F-4EJ Kai leti samo još u jednom skvadronu (301.Squadron JASDF, za ljubitelje preporučujem Jutjub kanal 1-300). Svojevremeno, dolaskom F-15 a od nedavno i aviona 5. generacije F-35A uloga fantastičnog Micubišijevog Fantoma (prva dva pristigla F-4EJ su kompletno napravljena i sklopljena u Mekdonelovoj fabrici u Sentluisu, narednih 12 je već sklopljeno u Japanu dok su svi ostali kompletno napravljeni i sklopljeni u Micubišiju) se polako smanjivala. Naredne 2021. Fantomi definitivno odlaze u zasluženu penziju...

Desetogodišnji jubilej od pokretanja SUPER WING SERIES (SWS) japanski proizvođač Zoukei-Mura Inc. je odlučio da obeleži izdavanjem LIMITED EDITION makete kultnog F-4EJ Kai koji je ostavio ogroman trag u istoriji japanskog vazduhoplovstva. Nakon do sada izašlih F-4J, F-4S, F-4C, F-4D i nedavno nastavljene serije sa F-4E (early) u sasvim novom alatu, izbacivanje F-4EJ Kai-a je sasvim logičan potez kojim pored obeležavanja svog jubileja ZM tim odaje i počast poluvekovnoj službi ovog aviona u JASDF-u. Paket koji mi je stigao iz Japana od tima Zoukei-Mure sadrži tkzv. Pre-release klot plastiku i fotokopiranu sastavnicu (koja je u štampi) bez seta dekala koji tek treba da stignu (dekali su takođe u štampi a realizacija je od CARTOGRAF-a) i koji će pokrivati barem jednu odličnu šemu farbanja kao što je na naslovnoj fotografiji „PHANTOM FOREVER“. Dakle, prepoznatljivi set SWS-a za F-4EJ Kai u formi LIMITED EDITION sa određenim poklonima u njemu će ugledati svetlo dana početkom 2021. Kutija, nakon otvaranja, naprosto prodiše jer je dupke puna sa 15 ramova na kojima se nalaze odlično izliveni delovi (ukupno 434 od kojih je 15 u kristalno prozirnoj plastici). Samo par ramova na kojima su delovi V-V naoružanja, univerzalni potkrilni rezervoari, F-4 merdevine i delovi kabine su iz pređašnjih kutija dok su ostali iz kutije sa delovima iz sasvim novog alata za F-4E (early). Jedan ram je najnoviji i na njemu su delovi koji čine razliku između klasičnog F-4E i Micubišijevog F-4EJ Kai i baš taj ram čini supersuštinu ove kutije. Na njemu su delovi za: antenu sistema J/APR-6 koji se nalaze u vrhu vertikalnog stabilizatora i na krajevima krila, kompletno nove instrumentalne table za pilota i navigatora/radariste sa pripadajućim ekranima, bočne konzole sa prekidačima i instrumentima, poklopac kućišta padobrana u repu sa novim osvetlenjem, sve karakteristične antene na trupu (kojih nema na klasičnom F-4E!) i prednjim pokrovom instro table na kojem je bio drugačiji HUD (Kaiser). Svi ovi delovi su izliveni sa izuzetnom preciznošću i sigurno će biti vrlo uočljiva nijansa koja razdvaja EJ Kai od klasičnih E Fantoma. Lično obožavam da koristim eceraj prilikom sastavljanja maketa, posebno u kabinama ali ovde ću sigurno napraviti izuzetak baš zbog već navedene preciznosti i uverljivosti detalja u plastici. Kao što sam već naveo, većina ramova je iz kutije F-4E (early) koji u potpunosti odgovaraju EJ Kai Fantomu i zbog toga sam u foto setu uz ovaj tekst postavio fotografiju na kojoj se vide razlike na donjakama centroplana ZM maketa F-4S i F-4EJ Kai. Kao i kod pravih aviona ovih tipova tako je i na maketama vrlo uverljivo prikazana razlika u dimenzijama, rasporedu panela i ostalim karakterističnim detaljima. Na kraju, ako izuzmem navedene superdetalje koji čine F-4EJ Kai, celokupan utisak je krajnje pozitivan. Delovi su odlično izliveni, na njima su filigranski detalji sa panelnim linijama (urezanim i ispupčenim u zavisnosti od stvarnog izgleda), riveti raznih sorti (takođe u zavisnosti od stvarnog izgleda), sve pomične površine su u mogućnosti postavljanja u realan položaj, vetrobran i poklopci kabine zbog svoje kristalne prozirnosti i veličine iako budu zatvoreni mogu da prikažu kompletnu raskoš lepih detalja kabine (svakako, postoji izbor spuštenih ili podignutih poklopaca kabine), sastavnica će biti prava knjižica koja je standardno vrlo detaljna sa svojim uputstvima. Možda je, zbog te detaljnosti, potrebno malo više pažnje i vremena za studiranje sastavnice ali to svakako čini deo zadovoljstva u celokupnom procesu nastajanja ovako dobre makete. Da ne bude zabune, i pored odličnog inženjeringa i fantastičnih detalja ova maketa nije za početnike zbog svoje kompleksnosti. Boje koje je ZM tim preporučio su date u standardu Valeja i Gunze boja kao i u FS kodovima. Ako bih tražio zamerku na prvi pogled, našao bih je u tome što nema pilotskih vezova na sedištima a što je već tradicija kod skoro svih japanskih proizvođača maketa. Svakako, to je vrlo lako rešiv problem pravljenjem u sopstvenoj izvedbi ili nabavkom na velikom maketarskom tržištu dodatnih delova.
Sve ovo što sam napisao je lako proverljivo putem pregleda seta fotografija koji ilustruju ovaj tekst a još  bolje će biti kada se maketa nađe na radnom stolu. Ovaj pregled ću vrlo rado dopuniti kada mi uskoro stignu dekali.
Zahvaljujem se timu Zoukei-Mure na ukazanom poverenju i velikoj časti zbog slanja ovog pre-release seta.
P.S.- Za još više detalja preporučujem pregled ZM sajta

F-4EJ Kai Phantom II
Phantom Forever 2020
Zoukei Mura, 1/48, SWS No.11
Text and photos: Miroslav D. Šljivić
Translation: Nikola D. Rađenović
In the mid-1960s, the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) decided to choose a new aircraft that would be the main aircraft in the hunting regiments. Until then, the main aircraft was the F-86F Saber in combination with the supersonic interceptor F-104 Starfighter. Also for the leading fighter planes combination along with the F-4 were the Swedish Wigen, the French Mirage F-1, and, still in development, the CL-1010-2. In November 1968, the JASDF, in agreement with the then government, chose the F-4E as the new leading aircraft to fill the fighter regiments. It is interesting that the Japanese, due to their defense policy, decided to remove the refueling installations and the equipment for attacks on the ground targets (classical and atomic means) from the classic F-4E Phantom II to strengthen the interception options. The modified plane got the suffix J, and, therefore, the F-4EJ was created. After 15 years of use, the JASDF carried out a new update to its Phantom, introducing new systems for navigation, fire control, and communication, improved radar, and modernized V-V missiles which led to the creation of the F-4EJ Kai (Kai-modernized). At the very beginning of use after the arrival of the first F-4EJs in JASDF fighter squadrons, flight and ground personnel were fascinated by the possibilities of their new favorite. The planners and analysts who participated in selecting it received confirmation that they had successfully done their job because operational capabilities have increased significantly. It was love at first sight that lasts to this day. As everything in life has its beginning and its end, the working life of the F-4EJ Kai was approaching its decline. Currently, after half a century of use, the magnificent F-4EJ Kai flies in only one more squadron (301. Squadron JASDF; I recommend the YouTube channel 1-300 for fans). At the time, with the arrival of the F-15 and more recently the 5th generation F-35A aircraft, the role of the fantastic Mitsubishi Phantom was slowly decreasing. The first two F-4EJs that arrived were assembled at McDonnell's factory in Sent Luis, the next twelve were already assembled in Japan, and the rest was completely made and assembled in Mitsubishi. The Phantoms are going to retire in 2021.
Because of the tenth anniversary of the launch of SUPER WING SERIES (SVS), the Japanese manufacturer Zoukei-Mura Inc. decided to mark the release of the LIMITED EDITION model of the F-4EJ Kai, which left a significant mark in the history of the Japanese Air Force. After the F-4J, F-4S, F-4C, F-4D, and the recent series of F-4E (early) in a completely new tool, the ejection of the F-4EJ Kai comes in a completely logical order. In addition to marking its anniversary, the ZM team pays tribute to the half-century service of this aircraft in JASDF. The package that arrived from Japan from the Zoukei-Mure team contains the so-called Pre-released plastic and a copy of the instruction manual (which are currently being printed), without a set of decals (decals are also currently being printed, by CARTOGRAF), which are going to cover at least one interesting painting scheme, the one from the cover photo of "PHANTOM FOREVER". So, the recognizable set of SVS for F-4EJ Kai in the form of LIMITED EDITION with some gifts in it will see the light of day in early 2021. The box has 15 frames with excellent parts (a total of 434 parts of which 15 are in crystal clear plastic). Only a couple of frames with V-V weapon parts, universal underwing tanks, F-4 ladders, and cabin parts are from previous releases while the rest are from the releases with parts from a brand new F-4E tool (early). One frame is completely new and it has parts that differ between the classic F-4E and Mitsubishi's F-4EJ Kai, and that frame is the super essence of this box. It contains parts for: the antenna of the J/APR-6 system located at the top of the vertical stabilizer and the wing ends, completely new instrument panels for the pilot and navigator/radar with associated screens, side consoles with switches and instruments, parachute housing cover in the tail with new lighting, all the characteristic antennas on the fuselage (which are not on the classic F-4E!) and the front cover of the intro board on which was a different HUD (Kaiser). All these parts are cast with extreme precision and are going to surely be a very noticeable difference that separates EJ Kai from the classic E Phantoms. I love to use photo-etched parts when assembling the model, especially in the cockpit, but, in this case, I will certainly make an exception because of the previously mentioned precise and convincing details in the plastic. Most of the frames are from the F-4E box (wound), which is completely compatible with EJ Kai Phantom, and that is why I posted a photo in the photo set with this text, which shows the differences in the lower parts of the ZM F-4S model and F-4EJ Kai. As with real airplanes of these types, the models very convincingly show the difference in dimensions, panel layout, and other characteristic details. In the end, if I exclude the above super details that make up the F-4EJ Kai, the overall impression is very positive. The parts are perfectly cast, they have filigree details with panel lines (incised and convex depending on the actual appearance), rivets of various varieties (also depending on the actual appearance), all movable surfaces which can be placed in a lifelike position. Even though they can be closed, windshield and cab covers can show the complete splendor of beautiful cabin details because of their crystal clarity and size. Of course, there is a choice of lowered or raised cab covers. The instructions are very detailed with precise assembly explanations. Maybe, because of that detail, it takes a little more attention and time to study the composition, but that certainly makes part of the satisfaction in the whole process of creating such a good model. Not to be confused, despite the excellent engineering and fantastic details, this model is not for beginners due to its complexity. The colors recommended by the ZM team are given by the Valejo and Gunze color standard and in the FS codes. If I had to find an objection, at first sight, it would be the fact that there are no pilot berths on the seats, which is already a tradition with almost all Japanese model manufacturers. Certainly, it is very easy to solve the problem by making your own from scratch or purchasing additional parts on the large model market.
Everything I wrote is easily provable by reviewing a set of photos that illustrate this text, and it will be even better when the model is on the table in front. I will be very happy to fully complete this review after the decals arrive.
I would also like to thanks the Zoukei-Mura team for their trust and a great honor for sending this pre-release set.
P.S.- For even more details, I recommend visiting the ZM site