(in service in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and Syria 1973-2018)
Izdavač: Helion & Company
Autor: Tom Cooper
ISBN 978-1-912390-32-8
Jezik pisanja: engleski
Prilog: Miroslav D. Šljivić

Priča o MiGu23 počinje ranih 60-ih godina prošlog veka kada su sovjetski planeri uvideli da njegov prethodnik, frontovski lovac MiG-21, gubi trku sa novim zapadnim vazduhoplovima. MiG-23 je takođe zamišljen kao frontovski lovac koji bi bio zadužen za lov/presretanje  protivničkih aviona (npr. F-104 ili F-105 sa taktičkim nuklearnim oružjem) uz maksimalnu podršku sa zemlje koja bi se ogledala, između ostalog, i u automatizovanom sistemu za navođenje pri čemu bi pilot imao minimalna zaduženja od poletanja do dolaska do cilja koji bi uništio u prvom naletu i potom se vratio u polaznu bazu.
Kada je ušao u operativne jedinice PVO SSSR, MiG-23 tj. njegove prve verzije nisu bile ni blizu postavljenim taktičko-tehničkim zahtevima a po nekim stvarima su bile inferiornije od svog prethodnika MiGa-21. Najveći problemi su bili u prilično komplikovanom održavanju, lošoj završnoj izradi koja je bila direktno uslovljena sa niskim kvalitetom materijala na nekim krucijalnim delovima. I pored velikog kašnjenja u razvoju i uvođenju u operativne jedinice, MiG-23 je ipak zaplovio nebeskim svodom a SSSR je tada još imao snage da u hodu ispravlja i popravlja uočene nedostatke...

U knjizi Toma Kupera MiG-23 FLOGGER IN THE MIDDLE EAST imamo priliku da pročitamo kako je pet zemalja Bliskog istoka (Alžir, Egipat, Irak, Libija i Sirija) reagovalo na pojavu ovog vrlo elegantnog aviona sa fantastičnim ubrzanjem, kako su došli do njega kao i kroz kakve su muke i ushićenja prolazila vazduhoplovstva ovih zemalja tokom operativne upotrebe MiGa23 od 1973-2018. Posebno interesantno je to što je autor uspeo da opiše na vrlo zanimljiv način upotrebu svih generacija (MS/UB, BN, MF, ML Izdeliye-23-12A i 18 i krajnju generaciju MLD Izdeliye-23-22B) ovog aviona u navedenim vazduhoplovstvima u miru i u ratnim uslovima iako su dvadesettrojke koristili u sasvim drugačijim uslovima od onih koje su zamislili njegovi tvorci.

MiG-23 je bio kičma lovačke avijacije u spomenutim vazduhoplovstvima (izuzev egipatskog) dugi niz godina te je zbog svoje zastupljenosti u borbenim eskadrilama/pukovima uvek bio prvi na udaru o čemu u ovoj knjizi postoje mnoga svedočenja iz prve ruke upravo od samih pilota koji su ga leteli i koji su te opise dali bez ikakvih iluzija. Tom Kuper je ta svedočenja uspeo da predstavi na odličan način.
Kao što je slučaj kod svih @WAR izdanja tako je i u ovom izdanju sredina knjige rezervisana za niz odličnih ilustracija (preko dvadeset kolornih profila) koje su propraćene sa komentarom o konkretnom avionu i šemi farbanja (standardi BS381C i FS).

MiG-23 FLOGGER IN THE MIDDLE EAST je knjiga čijih se 88 stranica pročita u dahu. Knjiga je obogaćena sa 110 c/b i 12 fotografija u koloru i mapama koje čitaocu pomažu da dobiju bolji uvid u geografske lokacije.
Ovo dvanaesto izdanje serije MIDDLE EAST @ WAR je uspelo da pruži odličan pregled dešavanja vezanih oko ovog lepog mlaznjaka na Bliskom istoku i da upotpuni inače vrlo kompleksnu sliku tog vrelog regiona.

Knjigu toplo preporučujem svim ljubiteljima avijacije, istorije i tehnike.
Zahvaljujem se gospodinu Tomu Kuperu i HELION&COMPANY na ustupljenom primerku ove sjajne knjige.

(in service in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and Syria 1973-2018)
Publisher: Helion & Company
Author: Tom Cooper
ISBN 978-1-912390-32-8
Written language: English
Review: Miroslav D. Šljivić
English translation: Nikola D. Rađenović

The story about MiG-23 begins in the early sixties of last century when Soviet aeronautical designers found out that its predecessor, MiG-21, loses the arms race with new “Western” aircrafts. MiG-23 was designed as a tactical interceptor with intension to pursue and intercept enemy aircraft (for example F-104 or F-105 with tactical nuclear weapons) with full land support in terms of the automatic guidance system where a pilot would have minimal commitments from taking off to reaching the target which he would eliminate in first attempt and return to the base.
After joining the operational units of the USSR Air Defense, first versions of the MiG-23 weren't even close to setting all the tactical and technical requirements and in some situations were inferior to their predecessor MiG-21. The biggest problems were the rather complicated maintenance, the poor finish workmanship that was directly conditioned by the low quality of the material on some crucial parts of the aircraft. Besides the long delays in developing and deploying to the operating units, the MiG-23, nevertheless, took off to the skies and the USSR at that time still had the strength to correct and modify the deficiencies observed on the run.

In Tom Cooper's book MiG-23 FLOGGER IN THE MIDDLE EAST we have the opportunity to read how five countries of the Middle East (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and Syria) reacted to the appearance of this very elegant airplane with fantastic acceleration, how they came to it and how thorny the road was for the air forces of these countries during operational use of MiG-23 from 1973-2018. It is especially interesting that the author was able to describe in a very interesting way the use of all generations (MS / UB, BN, MF, ML Izdeliye-23-12A and 18 and the ultimate generation of MLD Izdeliye-23-22B) of this aircraft in service during both peace and war conditions, though the twenty-threes were used in quite different conditions from those envisioned by its creators.

The MiG-23 was the backbone of fighter aviation in the before mentioned air forces (except for the Egyptian) for a long period and because of its presence in combat squadrons / regiments, he was always the first one to strike. Many first-hand testimonials can be found in this book from the very pilots who flew it and who gave these descriptions without any illusions. Tom Cooper was able to present these testimonies in an excellent way.
As it is the case with all @WAR editions, the middle of the book in this issue is reserved for the series of great illustrations too, with over twenty color profiles that were accompanied by comments on specific aircraft and painting schemes (BS381C and FS standards).

The MiG-23 FLOGGER IN THE MIDDLE EAST is an 88-page book which you can breeze through. It's a book enriched with 110 black and white and 12 color photos and maps to help the reader gain a better understanding of the scenarios.
This twelfth edition of the MIDDLE EAST @ WAR series has been able to provide an excellent overview of the use of this beautiful jet in the Middle East and to totalize the complex image of that turbulent region.

I warmly recommend the book to all aviation, history and technology enthusiasts.
Thanks to Mr. Tom Cooper and HELION & amp; COMPANY for lending me a copy of this great books.